It's great to live in a new year. This year definitely wont be going easy on me though. I'll be moving through the final year in high school, an important point in life, this year. Nevertheless, living in the first week of the new year sure is refreshing as it has been all this while. Every new year I come across gives me new goals, new strength, new clothes, new motivation, new experiences, new friends, you name it.

This first week has been a great one. Looking back, it sure felt kind of fast(it does when there's a countdown timer that brings hell when it reaches zero). My studies aren't even up to mark yet and there are still bits and pieces of things left from last year to fix. Still, having homework on the first day isn't really unexpected as trials will come in around July and all studies must be finished by then. May God guide me through this valley of the shadow of death. Ahahaha...

This first week has brought me some new teachers and as of now, all my teachers this year seem not too bad. Homework can be a strain at times but well, I'm managing one thing at a time and everything's in control so far. Pray tell it'll stay this way for the rest of the year.

To cover for last year, it's been great too. In fact, if I were to name it, it'd be the Year of Inspiration. I met a lot of people who motivate me to do better just by looking at the way they live. My life was kind of down in the slums since I didn't really do too great in Form 3. Good enough to get me into the top class, but not great enough to be proud about. Apart from my grades, 2015 has been acceptable.

This year's highlights, as of now, will be the days around February and October-November. This is simply because I'll be popping up somewhere else for Chinese New Year and the finals, the real deal, will be around in the end of October onward. I definitely look forward to a great year ahead and a challenging one at that.

P.S. I finished typing his about a fortnight ago and was about to post it. Wanted a picture to go with it but I took too long not getting one AHAHA XD


  1. Goodness, time does fly! I can't believe you are in your final year of high school already! Honestly, looking back, the final year of high school was one of my highlights. Grueling? Yes. (Probably even more so in Malaysia compared to Australia.) But for me it was one of the last chances I got to spend time with everyone I built rapport with for the past five/six years. New alliances formed as we band together to combat the never ending list of tests, assignments and mid/end of year exams. Things get a bit difficult post high school graduation as everyone moves off to do their own thing, so enjoy the last year of school to the best you can!! I think you will do just fine! Good luck! :)

    Have a great CNY trip with your family and friends and get as much rest as you can throughout the year to avoid burning out!


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